Wednesday, August 14, 2013


I've been working on two blankets with the Larksfoot patter, and I made a scarf (I can't post a picture of because it will be a Christmas present for a friend).  I will be making many many things in the weeks to come to prepare for Christmas, but they probably won't be posted for the same reason as the scarf.  I do have a plan to crochet my darling Terra a chicken.  She loves chickens, you see, and her Mamaw Linda had a big chicken I think she bought.  It was used as a door stopper, and she loves that thing so. The problem is it is tearing apart, and I do not have the sewing skills to fix it.

Tuesday, July 2, 2013

First Blanket

  I finished my first blanket last week, and I am very happy with how it turned out. The colors work well together, and the pattern is very pretty. I have donated it to an auction to raise money for a friend's sheltie who has cancer. If you want to check out the auction, follow this link: There is a variety of objects up for auction and will be open until July the 8th at 8PM EST.

Now I am working on the Larksfoot pattern, and I have about 9 rows finished.  I'm using 100% Acrylic yarn, so it's a bit stiff and probably too itchy to be used as a blanket so I'm going to use it as a crate mat.

Monday, June 24, 2013

The Very Beginning

First and foremost, let it be known, I am not selling any work.  This is to log my progress as I learn and maybe help others out with resources.  I first learned how to crochet from my grandmother as she taught my mother, and I dedicate all my works in their memory.  I only pray I make them proud.  When I first learned, my grandmother taught me to work a simple chain, and that was all I was able to learn from her about 20 years ago.  Last week, I decided to try again for the umpteen-millionth time, and I have finally succeeded in making SOMETHING.  Starting with a semi-difficult pattern called the Larksfoot searched on YouTube.  Click here for video.  You know how YouTube goes.  Once you look up one thing on that site, you end up watching YouTube videos for about 2 hours.  Doing so while crocheting made me realize I should probably make sure I can complete the simple "How-To" video: Basics.  She is an excellent source to learn the basic crochet form and stitches.  I hold my yarn differently, however.  The way she holds her yarn causes my crochet cramps to develop quicker in my wrist than the way I prefer to hold it, but every one is different, and you can find out how you prefer to hold it.  After perfecting my already developed technique, I tried using simple single crochet pattern pot holder.  Well, using a scrap piece of yarn, I found I didn't have enough for a full pot holder, so I finished it up and gave it to my 2 year old daughter for her kitchen set.

"Larksfoot Pattern Stitch" for Baby Afghan

Colors: Neon Orange and Aqua Blue (not sure exact shades since the yarn was gifted)

Another pattern I am working on is called the "V-Pattern Stitch"
Yarn Brand: I Love This Yarn
Colors: 100/soft pink and 160/brown
The "V-Patter Stitch" can cause a few problems, especially if you are using two colors, and I have found the best way to compensate for screw-ups, and realizing it after you changed colors.  

For example:
You see I missed the "v" on the pink row, but I didn't realize the mistake until after I was on the next color pattern.  How I fixed it was I did not skip the chain on either side, so when I came back around, I could still keep the pattern without having a huge gaping hole, and it is only noticeable if you look for it, and maybe not even then.  ;) 

Good luck!